DRM is already on the air in Chennai and the workshop organised together with BES on August 22nd was enthusiastically attended by local BES / AIR staff, receiver manufacturers and community broadcasters. . More here

The audience comprised of AIR local staff, community stations, manufacturers of radio sets and media. Presentations were given by Ruxandra Obreja, Alexander Zink, Yogendra Pal, T.V. B Subrahmanian and Radu Obreja. Practical demos with a live broadcast from the Chennai Harris transmitter were part of the workshop, raising a lot of interest and leading to many pertinent questions during the Q&A session. The event was reported in a local newspaper, the Deccan Chronicle the following day. The events in Delhi and Chennai had a positive impact on the manufacturers present, giving them a boost to start planning their work with production of desktop sets and dongles for mobiles. Similar workshops are strongly recommended for other major cities in India, such as Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore.


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