Workshop demonstrates practical application of DRM at DBS 2012

Under its title “Decision Time for Stakeholders” this year’s edition of the Digital Broadcasting Symposium organised by ABU in Kuala Lumpur ( 6-9th March 2012) has proved to be as well attended and full of good surprises as in the previous seven years. The opening session had an update on DRM developments (ITU recommendation on DRM+ and Commercial Receivers). Fitting in with the more practical approach to new platforms, as advocated by the organisers, the DRM Workshop organised in the afternoon of 7th March was a step by step presentation of how to set up a chain that will take sound from the studio to the transmitter and then to listener. This was demonstrated with practical steps necessary to set up an emergency warning system. The workshop hosted by Alexander Zink (Fraunhofer) and Albert Waal (RFmondial), and attended by over 60 participants, saw questions on the many variations of the set-up. The conclusion was that DRM is a flexible standard that can cater for small and big broadcasters alike but a lot of detailed information is still needed. And the DRM Consortium members present at DBS assured the audience that they are ready and always willing to share information on the technology as and when required.


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