What are the advantages of DRM for listeners? – Your Question Answered

Digital receivers are more expensive than analogue ones. What are the advantages of DRM for listeners?

In short, DRM provides excellent audio and multimedia content like text information as well as pictures. DRM allows tuning in on station name, not frequency anymore. DRM can deliver superior services like emergency warnings and distance education and schooling. For those interested, let us add that DRM uses less spectrum (3 audio channels and one data channel on one frequency) and less energy which makes it truly green. For listeners specifically, DRM brings excellent quality sound in stereo, up to CD quality in medium wave, shortwave and FM within any more distortions. Your new digital radio receiver will deliver data such as text, pictures, maps, alerts. It is much more than your current receiver and seamlessly integrated to the current digital experience you might have through mobiles, laptops, PCs.


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