Time to Asses and Vote at DRM General Assembly

After a successful “open event” on March 26th, the DRM General Assembly (GA) met on March 27th to examine the activity of the past year,  the work done in particular markets (like India, Brazil, South Africa, some Asian and European countries ) and hear about receiver developments, as well as take on board the next strategic directions.

This year the DRM members also had to choose their leaders for 2014-2016. The new Steering Board – the leading forum of the Consortium – now includes representatives of the following companies: Ampegon, Babcock, BBC, BT Transmitters (first Brazilian member), Continental Electronics, Fraunhofer IIs, Gates Air (formerly Harris Broadcast), NXP, RFmondial, Thomson and Transradio.

Ruxandra Obreja (BBC) was unanimously re-elected as Chair of the Steering Board and consequently of the DRM Consortium. Matthias Stoll (Ampegon) and Alexander Zink (Fraunhofer IIs) were elected Vice-Chairs of the DRM Consortium, with Matthias Stoll becoming Chair of the DRM Executive Board that oversees daily activities of the international not-for –profit DRM Consortium. Lindsay Cornell (BBC)  and Alex Zink (Fraunhofer IIS) were confirmed as Technical Committee  Chair and Treasurer, respectively.


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