The German DRM Platform announces new activities

On May 12th, the Beuth University in Berlin, the host of the bi-annual meeting, presented a plan of innovative DRM activities (along with other innovative research projects) including a live DRM signal generation and reception. The aim is mainly to introduce students to the technical aspects and benefits of DRM signal and transmission, with a later possible extension towards content related aspects like data applications.

Afterwards the group discussed various aspects of DRM around the world with a particular focus on latest receiver developments and order/availability expectations on a global basis. The day finished with an invitation of Media Broadcast to visit the famous TV tower at Berlin Alexanderplatz.

On the second day, the meeting was hosted by ALM (Geschäftsstelle der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Landesmedienanstalten) in central Berlin. The group received and discussed updates regarding DRM activities in India, Russia, the Scandinavic countries and more. Participants were informed about the latest activities and project plans of Media Broadcast in the area of DRM based information services to nautic customers.

The ‘Danish delegation’ presented a first version of the English translation of the now finalized positioning document discussing DRM+ opportunities in Germany for local radio broadcast, including a discussion of taking this document to the next level.

Finally participants were introduced to the upcoming event in Kaiserslautern in early July, which will discuss and demonstrate the application of DRM for local broadcasters.


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