The German DRM Forum annual Meeting in Nauen

The annual meeting of the German DRM Forum on 18th and 19th July 2023 was hosted by Media Broadcast at Germany’s oldest broadcasting station in Nauen, near Berlin.

The meeting started with a brief overview of the news and activities of the DRM Consortium and DRM in general: participation in events and exhibitions, contributions to press and regulatory bodies, the DRM General Assembly and a more general world update.

Among the news and items brought to the table by the Platform members were:

  • The DRM broadcasts from the Berliner Hochschule für Technik (Technical College of Berlin) are coming now from a higher location.
  • In Saxony, plans are underway to get DRM broadcasts via shortwave.
  • Guests from Denmark presented new antenna systems for medium wave transmitters.
  • Emergency Warning Functionality – more details
  • Guests from administration and Federal Network Agency reported on procedures for frequency allocations in the AM band (analogue and digital).
  • Delivering e-Learning content via DRM
  • Multichannel DRM in FM – experience and learnings


A highlight of the event was a guided tour of the more than 100 years-old transmitter station in Nauen, a reference site in the history of broadcasting, as well as an overview of the current technology and use.


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