New Starwaves Receiver with WiFi Hot-Spot for Education Project

Starwaves ( have been working hard on a new model to accompany the affordable DRM consumer receiver W293-BT. In partnership with Fraunhofer IIS, this new model is equipped with a built-in HTML5 renderer, web server and WiFi hotspot; thereby allowing any personal device with a web browser which also gives individual access to the full DRM Radio schooling content, as envisaged by the DRM Consortium education project.

The receiver works on all bands and its spectrum, energy and coverage attributes will be central to the modern distance education project, DRM Radio Schooling.

(In addition, for those who prefer live DRM reception using an RF receiver dongle connected to any Android phone or tablet, the STARWAVES DRM Softradio upgraded app is offered in the most relevant app stores. This app takes care of full-featured DRM decoding.)

Designed as a 21st century digital technology, DRM has this unique capability of delivering in addition to excellent audio also radio-textbook content over smaller but also large areas. RadioSchooling via DRM is a key benefit for many parts of the world that currently lack local infrastructure and easy access to education training and teaching materials. In all these cases, the rollout of DRM digital radio will be a game changer.

How does it work then? The audio track delivers a teacher’s lesson for a given subject, class level and language group to be consumed “live” and based on a pre-announced schedule – with up to 3 lessons transmitted in parallel at any time. The accompanying textbook information is based on DRM’s powerful advanced and interactive text technology Journaline. Due to Journaline, the textbook information, which is part of the DRM transmission and not dependent on Internet connectivity, always carries the full content – comprising all subjects and topics for all the relevant class levels and in all intended languages in parallel. This allows the information to be accessed by students at any time and easily through a simple menu structure, and for students’ self-study after the lessons by accessing the cached material in the DRM receiver.

When it comes to Radio Schooling, digital radio DRM can be your teacher, textbook, and personal library, all in one. By using DRM in the AM bands, for example, the classroom lessons and latest textbook content are accessible by everybody over large areas (rural and urban) without using internet.

The DRM Consortium and some of its key members like Starwaves are exploring the benefits of DRM for education and has set up a project to prove the concept and its benefits. If you are interested in participating or getting more details, please write to:



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