DRM Radio Receiver in the media

The launch of the first Indian-designed receiver is still receiving considerable media attention and the blogsphere: http://www.radioworld.com/article/drm-launches-india-receiver/272493 Radio and Music reports on the DRM receiver

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DRM workshop in Turkey

The DRM Consortium organised a comprehensive one-day workshop for the Turkish Public Service Broadcaster TRT in Ankara on 18th September. Over 70 people from the

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ITU salutes DRM

DRM’s contribution to telecommunications over the past decade has been recognised by the International Telecommunication Union’s Development Sector. At a special ceremony in Geneva, DRM

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Conference works to avert clashes

The High Frequency Coordination Conference (HFCC) in Sofia, Bulgaria in August brought together representatives from the world’s leading international broadcasters.  The conference aims to facilitate

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DRM scores in Brazil

This year’s SET (Television Engineering Society) congress and EXPO 2014 took place in the last week of August in São Paulo.This is the Brazilian media’s

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