Most Important New Things at BES – Your Question Answered

What were the most important new things you showed at the recent BES expo in New Delhi as we could not make it to the capital?

(students in southern Indian state)

The best and most comprehensive DRM presence at the annual exhibition and conference BESS tried to give a full view of DRM developments in 2023. These underlined that DRM, in both FM and AM, is made for India and is waiting to be made in India. The focus of exhibits and presentations was on DRM as an efficient replacement for AM (already rolled out) and FM. The extra services like emergency warnings delivered to receivers and on public signage got a very positive reception. So did the possibility of using one transmitter, one antenna and delivering up to 18 services and 6 data channels for one broadcaster or several independent broadcasters, able to control their power, coverage and content, but share the electricity costs. The many standalone receivers and the introduction of a a low-cost module able to deliver the breakthrough, cheap receivers for the Indian masses got a lot of attention, too.

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