DRM’s contribution to telecommunications over the past decade has been recognised by the International Telecommunication Union’s Development Sector.

At a special ceremony in Geneva, DRM Chair Ruxandra Obreja, accompanied by Matthias Stoll of Ampegon, received on behalf of the Consortium a Ten Year Anniversary Certificate from Telecommunication Development Bureau Director, Mr Brahima Sanou. DRM was one of the ten laureates drawn from top global organisations including the International Red Cross and the airline association IATA, all of which utilise the latest communications technologies to offer information and help development across the world.

Ruxandra said that the award was “the highest honour bestowed on all members of the Consortium, all the individuals, companies and organisations that over the years have contributed to the development of the standard and its two key modes – DRM30 for AM and DRM+ for VHF.”

“DRM can ensure the digital future of global radio and through its attributes – efficiency, FM or better-than-FM sound over large and small areas, and special features like the emergency warning capability – make a genuine contribution to development and progress.”

So congratulations to the whole DRM family! You have earned it.



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