Great interest in the recent DRM Webinar – The flexible way from FM to digital

The question about the type of available receivers was naturally raise several times. Other questions were about the possibility and cost of reconfiguring analogue transmitters to DRM and also if existing car radios could be adapted for DRM reception.

OC from North America, International Broadcasting Delivery, commented that their organisation was worried over the future of direct radio broadcasting from terrestrial transmitters, which includes both AM and FM, while they strongly believe that DRM will help keep the wireless radio alive.

“The HFCC is working on a project IRDR International Radio for Disaster Relief for shortwave radio. The Emergency Warning and Alert System that has been developed by DRM could be also important for the project as there is a growing interest in the role of radio in emergencies, especially in the phase of the immediate response after the disaster event. There is currently activity in the ITU-R study group SG6 on this subject for example, and broadcasters, regulators etc. have been asked for contributions.”

MO from Poland , involved in implementing DAB+ in Poland thought, after attending the webinar, that “there is some potential for using the DRM+ standard on FM band as recommended by EBU and ITU. He understands the crucial thing is to manufacture multi-standard receivers and he hopes that this will happen soon. “It will be a good sign especially for local broadcasters as this would be according to EBU R 138 recommendation.”

GLE from North Dakota, USA, sent us a question regarding the migration of existing AM stations to DRM. He thinks that this would resolve the numerous interference problems facing broadcasters and move the entire system into the digital domain and was wondering if there was a possibility or even a likelihood that a move to DRM could occur in his country.

You can watch the webinar again here.


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