Forthcoming DRM Meeting In London

London, 12 th of January – The DRM Consortium is holding  its upcoming DRM Steering Board (SB)  meeting  in Bush House, the London headquarters of BBC World Service on Friday January 30th 2009. The meetings of the DRM Technical Committee take place on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th of January at the BBC Research & Development Building in Kingswood Warren, south west London. The DRM Steering Board chaired by the DRM Consortium Chair, Mrs. Ruxandra Obreja, has a maximum of 18 DRM members representating the main stakeholders’ groups in the consortium. The major role of the DRM Steering Board is to define the overall policy direction of the DRM activities. On the agenda of the January 30th meeting an important point will be to discuss the organisation of the General Assembly in March (Germany) as well as the latest technical and receiver developments of the last few months. If you would like to know more about the organisation of the DRM consortium.


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