Focus on a DRM Receiver at ABU

It was a delight to participate in the Asia Broadcast Union General Assembly held in Bali, Indonesia. I was excited to showcase the Titus II SDR Solution receiver there. The theme of the conference was “Media for the Future.  Broadcast organizations and delegates were focused on new perspectives and along with the DRM Consortium we presented a viable solution for them. The Titus II SDR Solution was not seen before by our Asia colleagues.  Many delegates I think found the receiver and its multi-media capabilities to be more than they had anticipated.

Today there are more options available than just a typical radio receiver.  There were a number of DRM receivers available at the DRM display, and the versatility of options for listeners and users were illustrated.

The Titus II pre-production units will be available by end of the year.  It will be exciting to have these first receivers tested here in the Asian countries as DRM broadcasting takes center stage.

It’s my opinion that the year 2017 is going to literally break wide open for enhanced broadcasting and interaction with listeners on an international level.  Ingenuity and imagination are two ways to describe the newness and uniqueness of digital broadcasting capabilities and the way is being led by DRM.

George Ross –  TWR

Titus II
Titus II



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