Encouraged by successes of 2022, DRM looks forward to a breakthrough 2023!

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Partners,

It seems incredible that another year is coming to an end. In 2022 life has slowly returned to normal after the bleak COVID-19 years. For DRM it has been another full and successful year in which progress has been made in the geographic DRM roll-out, technical adaptability and receiver solutions. All good seeds have been sown and 2023 should really see palpable progress and successes.

The energy efficiency of the standard, its capacity to deliver emergency warning and education, as well as its excellent multi-bloc performance from one single FM transmitter are key DRM aspects and benefits, well demonstrated throughout 2022.

While a lot has been going on at the end of November, we thought that the December newsletter should be different and offer you a crop of the best information on DRM progress gathered month by month in 2022. This would bring you quickly up to date and give you a view of what to expect from DRM in the new year.

Our December newsletter is therefore a selection of the best items you might have missed during the year. Check it out as it is a hamper full of surprises for your festive season.

A lot of more general, key DRM information can now be in your pocket if you just go to pocket.drm.org and retrieve what interests you.

Finally, please do not forget to join us on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Flickr. And if you want to join the Consortium, so you are fully involved with our work and have access to more information, please contact projectoffice@drm.org.

A heartfelt thank you for your great interest in and support of DRM! May 2023 be an excellent year for all of us and DRM!

Season’s Greetings to All!

Ruxandra Obreja

DRM Chairman



The energy transmission savings achieved through using DRM was a known fact to the DRM specialists but maybe less to the broadcasters and regulators. DRM created a tool called the DRM Energy Efficiency Calculator, so each transmission provider or broadcaster can get a realistic view of their potential savings. The DRM Energy Efficiency Calculator tool is presented in a comprehensive article signed by Simon Keens of Ampegon in the 4th quarter issue of the IEEE publication (page 41).

Please go to energyefficiency.drm.org for more information. This will also give you access to the video that shows the ease of use to get the data necessary for the actual calculation of energy efficiency.


World Radio Day 2022 was a good opportunity to remind ourselves that in critical times radio has consolidated its position as one of the most popular means of communication, used by an overwhelming majority of people.

To underscore this great function of digital radio DRM we marked World Radio Day 2022 by making public a short video focused on the in-built Emergency Warning Functionality (EWF) of the DRM standard.

In the third quarterly issue of the IEEE magazine, Alexander Zink of Fraunhofer IIS and Vice-Chairman of the Consortium, explains DRM’s capacity to transmit audio and data (text with pictures, graphs etc.) using the terrestrial digital broadcasting standard.

DRM RadioSchooling Enables Distance Education Via Digital Radio Broadcasts – IEEE quarter publication


Digital Radio DRM has proven to be flexible, green, and offering the coverage of choice, from very local to regional and international. The progress made in the chipset and receiver sectors records a real step-change. The DRM Consortium has great members, associates, and supporters. Its valuable expertise and activity make DRM a firm part of the digital landscape allowing people to stay safe, informed and educated, wherever they are.”

DRM Consortium Concluded Successfully Its Annual General Assembly “Smart, Global and Green”


The shortwave revival is perhaps one of the unintended results of the war in Ukraine. WHY and HOW are some of the questions related to a revival of shortwave tackled by the DRM Chairman in her ‘RedTech’ article: Shortwave radio proves simple, powerful — and necessary.


The DRM video The User’s Experience is now available in 5 languages: English Chinese, French, Greek and Portugese.

View the video on: videos.drm.org


First Figures for DRM receivers in Indian cars became available in June. This underscored the great progress made by the Indian automotive industry in the past five years, with more than 5 million new cars with DRM receivers.


To experience first-hand the new digital radio features and business opportunities, which the DRM digital standard enables, an event with this title was organised by Indian and international hosts in New Delhi on 21st July 2022.

DRM Digital Radio – at the Forefront of FM Broadcasting – a Live Event In New Delhi


At the General Assembly of the Caribbean Broadcasting Union held in the middle of August in Tobago, the DRM Consortium made a well illustrated presentation of its education project, aimed first at Western Africa and which could be extended to other parts of the world, like the Caribbean region.

DRM for Education Travels to the Caribbean

The Caribbean Broadcasting Union has become an institutional associate member of the DRM Consortium in May this year.


The DRM Consortium and some of its members were again present and led very well attended IBC-linked events in 2022. The first one was a virtual pre-IBC presentation showcasing the achievements of the DRM Consortium in the last twelve months and then two physical events in Amsterdam.


The DRM Consortium and its Automotive Group with its many partners in India and the world, together with one of its key members, NXP Semiconductors, held their third annual joint event in September 28th. This Automotive Forum of major OEMs, Tier 1 automotive partners, Indian broadcasters and the Regulator was created three years ago and its activity has continued to grow significantly since, also through the effort of great DRM enthusiasts in India.

Successful 3rd DRM India Automotive Forum


For the first time since 2019, key representatives of the DRM Consortium, a not-for-profit organisation with over 100 international members, made full presentations in the Technical Committee meetings held on 26th and 27th Nov 2022, during the ABU General Assembly held in New Delhi, India.

Here are some of the highlights of these presentations. One of the three was dedicated exclusively to receiver developments.


As the year comes to its end, we must thank all those who have participated, supported, taken an interest, and pushed DRM in their own countries. None of your activities and none of the DRM progress would have been possible without you. A BIG THANK YOU to all! Let us make 2023 the year of the big DRM breakthrough!


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