DRM presence at NAB

These were ‘town hall’ presentations with questions and answers on the DRM standard. The strength of the DRM30 mode for LW, SW and MW was amply demonstrated during the first day on Monday at the Continental booth. Those present, including companies from as far apart as India and Brazil, got an update on the latest DRM international developments and the efficiency and energy saving features of DRM30. The highlights of the event were the news about the new SW DRM capability centre just installed by Saudi Arabia and the unveiling of the new, low cost, New Star DRM30 receiver.

Those interested in the latest about the DRM+ mode (VHF bands) got a riveting presentation on Tuesday with updates on the recent trial carried out in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. New compact equipment showed how small FM stations could digitise any time now. The traditional Nautel cake was present too, was cut and eaten with great gusto.

The last but not least of the DRM events at NAB took people all the way to the Thomson booth where the events centred on the possibilities of DRM to carry not only sound and data but also short video. The Thomson event got people talking, witnessing this new feature of DRM called Diveemo. This was also another chance to see the new DRM30/FM New Star receiver. A good finish and a prelude to IBC where DRM wants to show not only that world class transmitters and equipment from DRM members are available for acquisition but also that DRM receivers can also be one of its legitimate themes. Stay tuned!

Report from Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Consortium Chair.


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