DRM General Assembly – 27th April – Virtual Attendance Also Possible

The not-for-profit DRM Consortium (www.drm.org) is preparing to hold its annual face-to face and now also virtual General Assembly, one of the key moments in the year’s DRM calendar. Many of you have booked their seat for the meeting to be held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, between April 27-28 but, if you cannot get your flight in time, there is now a new way to join us by registering at: s.drm.org/ga23-registration.

The first day of the meeting – April 27th is an Open Day to which DRM members and selected VIP guests are invited to participate in person or virtually.

This is a unique opportunity to attend a fully immersive day giving you the best opportunity to get all the news and updates to the minute about DRM activities, world deployments, receivers, future activities and your own involvement. It is also the day when we have reserved time so that you can present your own DRM actions, successes, plans and questions.

Please find the draft agenda below:


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