DRM Consortium Invitation to Its First Pan-Africa Roundtable

After participating in digital radio at events across the continent the DRM Consortium has decided to launch an invitation to the first DRM – Africa Roundtable. This will be held virtually on July 26th 1000-1130 UTC. Registration to the event is already on and participants are encouraged to send their queries ahead of the event. Questions should be marked AFRICA ROUNDTABLE and emailed to: projectoffice@drm.org.

This will make the event interactive enriching the question body already gathered, as the DRM Consortium has participated in recent African workshops, conferences, and exhibitions presenting the benefits of the all-band, open digital radio standard DRM. Our top African and European experts (from companies like Fraunhofer IIS, Ampegon, Starwaves etc.) will be ready to respond to some of these questions.

According to the DRM Chairman, Ruxandra Obreja: “The DRM African Roundtable is the first such event organised by the Consortium, primarily aiming to offer more details about the technology, its benefits and implementation. It will be a dialogue, a practical learning experience which will provide the right information on DRM and a fresh insight into African digital radio developments and challenges.”

Please register for the roundtable: s.drm.org/dart.

For more information on DRM please go to: pocket.drm.org or video.drm.org.

The French version of the corporate video is anow available at: https://www.drm.org/drm-video-the-users-experience-in-french/.



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