Do the digital channels need to be each side of the FM signal in DRM? – Your Question Answered

Do the digital channels need to be each side of the FM signal in DRM?

(American student)

DRM is a digital audio broadcasting standard that allows broadcasting up to 3 audio services and one data service (4 in total) in any band (band I, II-FM, III or AM). In FM the spectrum required (96KHz) is half that taken by analogue FM (200 kHz). In the transition phase a broadcaster may choose to simulcast maintaining its analogue service while placing the digital equivalent of the analogue channel or other different digital audio services and one data service in any gap that exists in the FM band. This is why we call DRM ultra-flexible. These digital services do not have to be each side of the analogue signal and they do not need to replicate the analogue content either. The digital services can be one exact version of the analogue if so wished, with the addition of two completely new and different channels; or they can be three completely different digital services unconnected content-wise to the analogue offering.


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