Digital Radio Mondiale Launches Version 4 of its Comprehensive Handbook

Press Release

The Digital Radio Mondiale not-for-profit international Consortium is launching today the fourth revision of its comprehensive and freely available DRM Handbook.

This e-Handbook is aimed at the management of broadcasting organisations and regulators in areas of policy making, as well as in programme making and technical planning. It explains in some detail the advantages gained by radio broadcasters wishing to introduce the DRM® Digital Radio Mondiale™ technology and some of the technical and commercial considerations they need to take into account in formulating a strategy for its introduction. The Handbook includes information on technical and regulatory aspects for the introduction of DRM, be it for large coverage or local coverage, as DRM is the only digital audio broadcasting standard covering all broadcast bands (AM and VHF). It also includes links to reports and articles on an extensive range of DRM trials.

The DRM Handbook has been updated to keep pace with the extensive new real-life findings of DRM tests and demonstrations and includes updated MER (Modulation Error Ratio) figures for DRM for local coverage and other small updates.

Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Chairman, stresses that “this is not a revision of the standard, which is ITU recommended and operates within the same channel and spectrum allocation as existing analogue transmissions with the added digital benefits of better audio, compression and digital multimedia services.  It is just a revision of a document written by the best DRM experts. It is an indispensable and free handbook that DRM wants to share with the world radio community interested in digitisation. And if you have questions on the Handbook or want to deepen your knowledge, there is no better place than our next half-day interactive DRM workshop at the ABU Digital Broadcasting Symposium in Kuala Lumpur on March 5th.”


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