On February 17th an event was hosted by Muhsin Kiliç, Head of Frequency Permits and Allocations. Key DRM Consortium representatives Ruxandra Obreja and Alex Zink attended, supported by Manfred Kuehn, an independent media consultant from Germany, and other members of the Consortium (Ampegon, GatesAir, and NXP).  Aspects of network planning and DRM’s flexibility when deployed in bands II and III and in single frequency network were discussed at length, as were implementation costs and multi-standard chips and receivers. Over thirty participants got a better understanding of the advantages of DRM, its emergency warning functionality, its deployment flexibility and its world presence.

It was a full day, exceptionally prepared and hosted, which felt like a real dialogue among specialists! It was an important step in the Consortium’s dialogue with key Turkish stakeholders which is likely to continue vigorously in 2015.


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