Brazil: “Digital Radio: the medium should not stop advancing”

In Brazil, an association of broadcasters from Minas Gerais State TV and Radio Association (AMIRT) has published an article (in Portuguese) translated here by Rafael Diniz, the Brazilian DRM country representative.

English Translation:

In the interview with Rogério Correa (engineer and owner of Teletronix, manufacturer of FM Transmitters), says that “without the digital (radio), the (Brazilian) broadcasters will lose their main assets: the license of the channel”. “Without the switch to digital technology, many will listen only through apps over the Internet, then the analogue channel loses its role and the broadcasters lose their only asset – the license – remaining only with the brand.”

Rogério explains the need for an IBB (Integrated Broadcast Broadband) Digital Radio system, in order to enable a future in which the broadcaster will be a data provider, with a 200kHz wide bandwidth, which is not much but which could be still quite significant in the digital future.

He also says that if the digitisation of the MW had come earlier, many MW broadcasters, now shutting down or migrating to FM, would not be doing it.

In the same article, Rafael Diniz of the Brazilian Digital Radio Association, is also quoted with his explanation of  why DRM is the solution for Brazil, for all the broadcasting bands (MW, TW, SW and VHF). Rafael also mentions some Brazilian transmitter manufacturers (BT Transmitters and Teletronix) which can produce already DRM compatible transmitters. Rafael also mentions that DRM together with the Ginga middleware in its D profile is a complete solution for the digitization of  radio in Brazil.  An IBB compatible Digital Radio System would be also compatible with the Brazilian DTV system.


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