DRM Dominates Conversation at NASB Conference in the US

At the 27th Annual meeting of the National Association of Shortwave
Broadcasters DRM was featured throughout the sessions and discussions. Jerome Hirigoyen shared developments at TDF (the French network operator)regarding the SmartCast and NavCast initiatives. His presentation included information about three DRM receiver options including a portable, a dongle and a shipboard unit. A prototype of one of the solutions was available for inspection.

George Ross of Transworld Radio shared information on the current status of the PantronX Titus II receiver. He anticipates there will be production units of this Android tablet based solution available within a couple of weeks.

I spoke about the current status of DRM globally, and also about the Gospell GR-216 table top receiver. In addition, I presented the recent development by Turms Tech LLC of their plans to broadcast DRM from New Jersey, on the North American East coast, toward Europe and the Middle East.

During the NASB general meeting, the topic turned to options for DRM broadcasting using existing transmitter hardware. Many broadcasters were interested and the discussion of cooperative development of a portable content server and exciter that could be shared for demonstration purposes was developed. Further correspondence with experienced broadcasters on this topic was suggested.

Photos and more details are available on the DRMNA blog.

Christopher D. Rumbaugh


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