Digital Radio Mondale (DRM) Awarded 10 Year Membership Anniversary Certificate by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

The DRM Consortium will receive a 10 year Anniversary Certificate from the ITU in Geneva on 1st October.  The Certificate is being presented to the Consortium in recognition of its support and contribution to the activities of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector over the past decade.

The DRM Chairman, Ruxandra Obreja, will receive the Certificate on behalf of the Consortium at a special ceremony to take place in Geneva.  The Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) Director, Mr Brahima Sanou, will personally award the certificate to the DRM Chairman and key technical representatives of the Consortium.

“This is the highest honour bestowed on all the members of the Consortium, all the individuals and the companies and organisations that over the years have contributed to the development of the standard and its two key modes (DRM30 for AM and DRM+ for VHF)”, said Ruxandra Obreja. DRM can ensure the digital future of global radio and through its attributes (efficiency, special features like the emergency warning capability, FM or better than FM sound over large and small areas) can genuinely contribute to development and progress.”


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