DRM Message for Radio Asia

It is with renewed expectation that we participate again as principal sponsor in the Radio Asia Conference held in amazing India, and rightly so, for the second time running. The technical advancements do have a significant impact on content and services in this age of convergence set by the ABU of looking at radio everywhere in the context of multi-platform strategies” will resonate with most participants.

As the Chair of the international Consortium that promotes DRM – a complete and open digital broadcasting system – which will change the face of radio broadcasting in India, we feel this is the best arena to learn from Asian colleagues and also show them how significant the impact of technical advancements can be on content and services in this age of fast convergence.

We look forward to meeting new and old friends and sharing with them the latest knowledge views on digital radio, technology and content, and learn from their experiences. We will give the Radio Asia participants the chance to get close to the DRM technology in a way we have never done before. We will try to excite content makers about the possibilities opened by such a simple and robust technology as DRM and we will get ideas from the content makers whose creativity can fuel technology.

My wish is that this conference should be open, forward-looking and practical, strengthen the case for audio and radio in general. As the Platinum sponsor, the DRM Consortium members Fraunhofer IIS, Transradio, TDP and Babcock would like to wish all participants a great conference where each session, each event and contact should lead to some concrete and positive steps.

The technology and creative content need to fuse so that great information, entertainment and education can be available to large numbers of listeners. If their lives are enriched, bettered and their aspirations supported and fuelled by our work, only then will we have done our work!

Message from Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Consortium Chair


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