All India Radio’s Digitization prorgramme disscussed at BES conference in New Delhi

The 18th Annual Broadcast Engineering Society of India (BES) international conference and exhibition concluded in New Delhi today (11-13th Feb 2012). All India Radio’s (AIR) current digitalization programme was discussed, by speakers during the conference and by visitors at the exhibition. According to AIR’s Additional Director General Mr Yogendra Pal, two 1000 KW MW transmitters at Rajkot and Kolkata are likely to be operational by March 2012, and the rest of the 72 DRM transmitters would be commissioned between June 2012 to March 2013.  The ongoing roll-out by AIR spurred  the interest of receiver manufacturers who were present at the event with their products. DRM’s Alexander Zink and Ludo Maes made presentations about DRM technology and receivers respectively, which enhanced a very interactive session on Success of Digital Radio broadcasting today. DRM member companies Nautel, RFmondial, Digidia, Fraunhofer, Harris and Thomson attended the BES conference this year.


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