DRM+ Experience Day in Scotland

The presentations covering the system design and transmitter installation were supplemented by a real taste of DRM+ while driving around in a specially fitted vehicle receiving both DRM+ and FM.  The participants were impressed with the live performance of DRM digital radio system in the challenging radio reception environment of Edinburgh.

The test transmission and excellent presentations at the workshop demonstrated the capabilities and advanced features of the DRM standard, including various audio configurations, the advanced text service Journaline and Alternative Frequency Signalling. The DRM+ test transmission operates into an existing antenna that is shared with two FM services via a combiner. Those services cover more than 500,000 people in urban, suburban and rural environments. The main purpose of the trial, done in band II, was to measure the coverage of DRM+ operating in various transmission modes and confirm its performance in terms of transmitter power compared to the existing FM coverage.

Ruxandra Obreja, DRM Consortium Chair, summed up the day in this way: “Based on the initial measurements and findings presented during the workshop the trials are considered a success for DRM+. Most importantly the results have provided a valuable insight into the performance of the system in a challenging environment for the reception of VHF radio services.

Further measurements are to be taken as the trial is nearing its end and the measurement data will be shortly made available to international regulatory bodies such as the ITU and CEPT.

Tim Butler, Distribution Manager, BBC said: ‘I thought the presentations and the demonstration were very well planned and well delivered, and combined with faultless logistics to give a thorough overview of this impressive technology. All the organisations and individuals involved deserve real credit.

André Carr, Project Leader, Communications Research Canada: ‘In the context of a DRM+ evaluation exercise in Canada, this event in Edinburgh provided some valuable insight on several aspects related to field tests of this technology. In particular, considerations towards transmitter set-up, mobile data acquisition and its subsequent analysis were most pertinent, not to mention the opportunity to experience actual DRM+ reception first-hand while riding in the mobile van through various parts of the city.


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