Major DRM Broadcasts During Africast Exhibition

Nigeria, Africa – DRM Member Thomson Broadcast & Multimedia showcases its latest DRM offerings at the Africast exhibition in Abuja, Nigeria, taking place from October 21-23. The Thomson stand will be featuring live DRM demonstrations with the latest digital receiver sets as well as a wide variety of product presentations. From the broadcasting side, the DRM Members BBC, CVC, Deutsche Welle (DW)  and TDF actively contribute to the Africast exhibition by broadcasting in DRM to Africa. BBC World Service will broadcast DRM for Africast, Abuja on Tuesday and Wednesday, 21st/22nd October, 13:00-15:00 UTC on 17565 kHz from a UK site. Programming will be in English 13:00-13:45 and 14:15-15:00 and incorporate the BBC’s regular Hausa programmes from 13:45-14:15. CVC will broadcast in DRM from its Juelich transmitter site. The content will be “1Africa” ( and the DRM signal will be on air on Monday 20th until Thursday 23rd of October from 09:00 to 16:00 UTC. The frequency will be 17860 kHz. DW will transmit in DRM -mode from Sines on 21st and 22nd October from 1300 -1455 UTC (1400 -1600 Local Time Nigeria), first hour in Haussa, second hour in English. The frequency will be 17500 kHz. The DRM broadcast from TDF are on air from 13.00-15.00 UTC on 21st – 22nd of October. On Thursday 23rd of October, TDF will transmit from 14:00 – 15:00 UTC. All TDF transmissions will be on 17685 kHz.


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