DRM – Part of a New TV and Radio Standard

As NAB (https://nabshow.com/2023/) conference and exhibition in Las Vegas, USA, the largest of its kind in the world, is approaching, different companies are trying to get in the limelight with new products and announcements. Such an innovation related to the radio space is the idea to enhance the ATSC 3.0 (www.atsc.org) digital TV standard to in future include DRM based full-featured digital radio services.

After NAB a new project proposal on this (called NPP) will be filed by Fraunhofer IIS and others. As explained below in this Radio World article, this aims at establishing the seamless transport of DRM services on the ATSC 3.0 TV platform. Please find out more in: ONE Media Moves Forward With “Radio Over ATSC 3” – Radio World.


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